At first, this collection aims to explore concrete concepts such as gravity, force or movement, and how they can be expressed as design pieces, which, in a confident journey — where the adventure was everything but expected — takes us to the unexpected scenario of observing the author’s vulnerability when facing a series of questions, which help us consider new meanings for each of these concepts.

There are objects that define us better than a thousand biographies. Objects that at first glance seem static, to which we don’t attribute any value beyond their function, such as containing, guarding or simply decorating, but that define us, since they hide a second unexpected personal meaning.

The thin line between strength and fragility.


There are objects that define us better than a thousand biographies. Objects that at first glance seem static, to which we don’t attribute any value beyond their function, such as containing, guarding or simply decorating, but that define us, since they hide a second unexpected personal meaning.